St Bernard’s have broken 50 years of tradition to name Tom Caven and new recruit Adam Bentick as Co-Captains for 2013.
Posts published by VAFA
St Bernard’s have broken 50 years of tradition to name Tom Caven and new recruit Adam Bentick as Co-Captains for 2013.
The FIDA golf brought all football communities together this week
All club umpires must attend at least one of these information nights in order to officiate this year
More than 2000 players joined the VAFA from other leagues in 2012.
The Wellers are looking good for a big 2013 campaign.
Dragons Football Club seek applications to join their support team
AFL Europe is looking for help from VAFA clubs to share resources and possibly players
Former Port Adelaide top ten draft pick to play with SKOBS – read their press release here.