Movember team lend hand to Therry Penola’s support of Ricky Bannister
Posts published by VAFA
Movember team lend hand to Therry Penola’s support of Ricky Bannister
As the Presidents of the 2013 Premiership Clubs were presented with their flags at the AGM, Hampton Rovers’ Matthew Gray Responded on behalf of all the Presidents.
Ian Aitken and Steve D’Andrea win the senior and junior coach of the year
Only a select few players manage to play 300 games in the VAFA and this year the VAFA welcomed in two new members to the 300 Game Club.
Only a select few players manage to play 300 games in the VAFA, last night two new members were added to the 300 Game Club
VAFA AGM Dinner had a number of the final awards of 2013 presented
The VAFA has won the award for best use of online media at the AFL Victoria Community Football Media Awards