Thank you to everyone who has already provided their views and experience with gambling harm. If you haven’t already shared your views, please do so before 10 September. We need your input to address the issue of gambling-related harm in our community.
The VAFA is calling on our community to share their experiences and views on gambling and gambling advertising. Your input will help us address the critical issue of gambling-related harm.
How do I participate in the questionnaire?
You can share your experiences and views by clicking the button below.
Your input is essential in developing this program. Please complete the questionnaire before it closes on 10 September.
You will be asked to share your views on gambling, advertising of gambling-related products and the harm that can result from participating in gambling.
Completing the questions will take 7-8 minutes. All responses will be anonymous.
You can learn more about the Gambling Harm Reduction Program here.