2025 Premier B Women’s Fixture
The Premier B Women’s fixture has been released for the 2025 season. New club Port Melbourne Chargers will host Old Melburnians in their historic first home game at JL Murphy
Brett Connell – VAFA CEO
As we go to print there is still much uncertainty related to the upcoming Round 10 of the 2021 VAFA Season.
The major focus will be on the 25km radius requirement, crowd numbers and advice related to density limits – specifically related to changerooms and social facilities. Rest assured, we are working closely with AFL Victoria in relation to these matters and will advise all clubs as soon as this information comes to hand.
The VAFA Board and Administration thank all clubs and umpires who completed the recent survey related to club, team, player, coach, umpire and volunteer availability across the upcoming competition bye (July 10) and thoughts on reducing the VAFA Finals Series to accommodate more H&A matches – as we explore all avenues available to maximise competition across all of our grades.
The VAFA Board will consider these results and we will advise of the outcome(s) shortly.
On a positive note, the VAFA would like to sincerely thank all of our clubs who made first round instalments of their affiliation fees due on April 30, a first in my time at the helm. We are reviewing the current May 31 and June 30 second and third instalment deadlines in line with the related COVID policy and will advise further.
This year the VAFA has teamed with My Sport Live (MSL) to offer livestreaming opportunities to all VAFA clubs. This new initiative, borne out of the desire to showcase our whole competition to a broader audience, has received fantastic feedback – the Emmaus St Leos Breast Cancer Awareness Match, Mazenod OC’s Founders Day, Melbourne University Women’s & Fitzroy-ACU’s Pride Match and the upcoming Hawthorn AFC Wings Luncheon and match all examples of the VAFA’s reach and support of men’s divisional and women’s football across our competition. Should your club wish to explore livestreaming upcoming games please contact Nick Armistead (Head of Media).
It is also with great pride that we advise that VAFA clubs raised more than $19,000 for Breast Cancer Network Australia through their fundraising efforts over PLAY4BCNA Round on Mother’s Day weekend. Clubs turned pink in an amazing show of support, with pink socks dominating social media along with match day luncheons, raffles, and donation tins. The final tally of $19,569 is the highest of all participating leagues and associations and blew away the VAFA’s initial collective fundraising target of $10,000. Canterbury raised a competition high $5268, followed by Old Brighton ($2343), Hampton Rovers ($2228), Old Ivanhoe ($1942), Richmond Central ($1710) and Prahran Assumption ($1606). The VAFA congratulates and thanks all participating clubs and looks forward to building on the success of PLAY4BCNA Round into the future.
Please also note that due to the recent State Government Circuit Breaker lockdown, VAFA partners Thick & Thin and Tackle Your Feelings have postponed their Mental Health Breakfast which was due to take place on Wednesday June 16. The new date for this event has been set for Wednesday July 28 with more information to follow.
By way of an update, recent staffing changes sees Paul Wagland (Partnerships Manager) leave us to further his career in another line of work. We thank Paul for his drive, energy and focus in the sponsor and partnerships area of the business. Paul will leave us on Friday June 25, with a replacement currently being sought. We wish Paul all the very best with his future endeavours.
We have also recently added Susan Miller to the Administration Team as Administration Officer. Susan began on Tuesday June 15 and will focus on supporting Administration across the areas of General Administration, Finance and Events. Susan replaces Bec Carter who has returned to Canberra to pursue her state league cricket commitments. Bec will continue to be part of the Administration team working remotely on key projects on a casual basis.
See you at the Footy – hopefully
The Premier B Women’s fixture has been released for the 2025 season. New club Port Melbourne Chargers will host Old Melburnians in their historic first home game at JL Murphy
The VAFA is delighted to announce the inclusion of a brand-new club, the PORT MELBOURNE CHARGERS Women’s Football Club, for season 2025. The Chargers will initially field two senior women’s
The genesis of Laura Kane’s journey to become one of footy’s most influential administrators can be traced back to her joining the VAFA’s Melbourne Uni women’s team as a 12-year-old.