Brett Connell – VAFA CEO
Clearly there has been much written and spoken about recently regarding spectator behaviour at AFL matches.
VAFA matches are not immune to poor spectator behaviour, however what the VAFA has in place is its very own Spectator Code of Conduct to deal with any such behaviour which is considered unacceptable under our code of conduct.
The code of conduct sets out expectations for all spectators at VAFA matches and the VAFA acknowledges its role in having its players and officials being able to perform to their full potential in a hostile free environment.
Our expectations are simple:
We respect the rights, dignity and worth of all individuals whilst a spectator at VAFA matches, including refraining from any discriminatory practices on the basis of race, religion, ethnic background, or special ability/disability.
We require those attending VAFA matches to refrain from having any influence on a VAFA match whilst acting as a spectator in a capacity that may affect the result, or disrupt the course of the match.
We believe that an individual, be they a player or official, should be able to participate in a VAFA match without being physically threatened or victimized and we certainly implore all spectators to respect the decisions of Match Officials providing a positive influence for others.
We also do not condone the use violence in any form, whether it is against other spectators, officials or players.
In summary we ask that spectators conduct themselves in a manner that enhances the values of the VAFA.
Yes, our game is passionate, it regularly evokes strong emotions and we all have a role to play (personally and collectively) to keep these emotions in check and in line with acceptable standards of behavior.
Players and officials alike take to the field each week to give their best for their team (players/coaches) or the game in general (umpires) and they all have a right to feel safe and respected. This particularly applies to our umpires who participate every weekend. The sporting grounds are our umpire’s workplaces and the VAFA demands the same respect afforded to all of us in the workplace for our match day officials, be they experienced or first year umpires.
Be aware there are consequences when our Spectator Code of Conduct expectations are breached and any person who does not comply may be evicted from a venue and their club charged under conduct unbecoming.
Overall, our Spectator Code of Conduct is only as strong as our collective standards and expectations.
Behaviour we walk past, let go and not call out is behaviour we accept – let’s not accept poor standards of behaviour at VAFA matches, call it out and set strong examples by applauding good play and great decisions by opposition players and umpires alike.
The VAFA is highly regarded for its family friendly environment and overall behavioural standards at our games both on and off the field. It’s our collective responsibility to maintain these standards, each and everyone one of us.
Do your bit this weekend to help maintain our strong standards of spectator behaviour in the VAFA as an example to all.
See you at the footy.