The long-standing partnership between the VAFA and Thick & Thin is set to reach new highs in 2019 as the community prepares to “Tape Up” for Thick & Thin Round on May 18th-19th.
In lieu of the traditional blue socks which have been donned in years gone by, Thick & Thin have changed the format of this dedicated mental health awareness round for 2019 as they ask all clubs to #TapeUpForYourMates.
In the bid to get more clubs, players and supporters involved with this important initiative, all clubs are asked to “Tape Up” with two strips of blue tape on all of their community member’s right forearm during their games on Saturday May 18th.
Founded on their Thick & Thin Mental Health First Aid training, clubs who have registered for the event will purchase two heavily discounted vouchers for said program. The idea behind this training is that the chosen representative(s) will have the capabilities needed to help spark positive mental health conversations and reduce the stigma attached to mental health challenges at their respective clubs.
The team at Thick & Thin have contacted all VAFA clubs directly about how they can be active participants in this special weekend, but for all further queries regarding Thick & Thin round, including the provision of blue tape and the Mental Health First Aid training, can be directed to [email protected].
From all at the VAFA and Thick & Thin, we thank the VAFA community for their ongoing support in this space since its first inception in 2015, and we look forward to seeing everyone rally together and #TapeUpForYourMates in Round 6.