University Blues have won the Winning Edge Club Championship after St Bernard’s failed to win in any of their home and away matches from the weekend against University Blacks. St Bernard’s lost the championship to Blues who had finished their season a week prior and were relying on their rivals and neighbours Uni Blacks to do them a favour by beating the Snowdogs in at least the seniors and reserves.
The Blues final margin of two points meant that St Bernard’s needed for only their seniors to win, or alternatively a reserve and thirds win against Blacks would have seen the Championship head to West Essendon.
Who would have thought that Blacks would be helping out Blues by winning all three games as both clubs continue to lead the way in the top two sections of the VAFA this year.
Perhaps Blacks are getting in a few favours before the two clubs reunite in Premier Section next year with anticipation of two new Uni derbies to take place in front of the new pavvy already growing as evidenced by the Twitter conversation between both clubs in the aftermath of Blues’ second semi final win on the weekend.
Uni Blues’ final winning total of 144 is one of the lowest in recent seasons. Points are awarded on 4 points for a senior win, 2 points for a reserve win, 3 points for your number 1 U19 team and 1 point for your number 1 Thirds or Club XVIII team.
See the top 10 clubs of the Winning Edge Club Championship below.