The VAFA and the VAFA community send their best wishes to Lachlan St Clair who unfortunately broke his neck whilst playing for UHS-VU in their Club XVIII match against NOB/St Pat’s on the weekend.
Lachlan was injured while attempting to win the ball and unfortunately the collision has resulted in a double break to two of his vertebrae in his neck. Lachlan was operated on at the Royal Melbourne Hospital on Saturday night and is resting well. He will have a “Halo Brace” on for 3 to 4 months and then will have further ongoing support.
The good news for the 21 year old is that he has extensive leg and arm movement and in time will make a good recovery. All players, committee and supporters of UHS-VU and everyone in the VAFA wish Lachlan a speedy recovery.
Lachlan’s injury is a reminder to everyone that accidents on the football field can occur and the consequences of these can be dire. Luckily Lachlan’s prognosis is a positive one. Good luck to Lachlan in his recovery.