Leaderboard after 18 Rounds
M Fraser 1 vote
B Trend 2 votes
J ……………. Amos 3 votes!
Well that has blown the roof off! What a finish!
Congratulations James Amos you are the 2013 Division 2 Fullerton Medalist!
Also congratulations to Ivanhoe’s Paul Harris 20 votes finishing Runner Up! And to Old Paradians Sean Miller 17 votes to finish in 3rd place!
Let us know your thoughts on this years Division 2 Fullerton B&F count on twitter @VAFA_HQ #whatacount #AmosNo1
Final Leaderboard:
Amos, James Yarra Valley 21
Harris, Paul Ivanhoe AFC 20
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 17
Egglestone, Jarrod Therry Penola 15
Baranello, Paul Emmaus St Leos 13
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 13
Latsas, Nicholas St Mary’s-Salesian 13
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 13
Mara, Liam St Johns 12
Jones, Sidney St Mary’s-Salesian 11
Kandilakis, Christopher Old Paradians 11
Bannister, Jarrod Therry Penola 10
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 10
Boundy, David Old Paradians 9
Cherian, Kye Monash Gryphons 9
Costas, Glenn St Johns 9
Scott, Rohan St Johns 9
Trend, Benjamin Yarra Valley 9
Baranello, Nathan Emmaus St Leos 8
Galvin, Bryan Eltham 8
Mcdougall, Alexander Emmaus St Leos 8
Leaderboard after 17 Rounds
#HotHarris yet another BOG and pulls to 2 clear of #JAmos who polled only 1 vote against Therry Penola. #SMiller can only tie from here!
What a count! It all comes down to Round 18! If only we could see the tension on the leaders faces!
Give the boys your support on twitter @VAFA_HQ and #HotHarris #SMiller #JAmos
Harris, Paul Ivanhoe AFC 20
Amos, James Yarra Valley 18
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 17
Egglestone, Jarrod Therry Penola 15
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 13
Latsas, Nicholas St Mary’s-Salesian 13
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 13
Mara, Liam St Johns 12
Jones, Sidney St Mary’s-Salesian 11
Bannister, Jarrod Therry Penola 10
Baranello, Paul Emmaus St Leos 10
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 10
Leaderboard after 16 Rounds
WOW! Amos with 3 votes and 1 vote to Miller sees both join Paul Harris in a 3 way tie for the lead!
With only 2 rounds of votes to go who will rain supreme? Tell us on twitter @VAFA_HQ and #HotHarris #SMiller #JAmos
Amos, James Yarra Valley 17
Harris, Paul Ivanhoe AFC 17
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 17
Egglestone, Jarrod Therry Penola 13
Latsas, Nicholas St Mary’s-Salesian 13
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 13
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 11
Bannister, Jarrod Therry Penola 10
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 10
Leaderboard after 15 Rounds
UNBELIEVABLE! Harris 4 in a row!! The streak continues and for the first time tonight Paul Harris leads the pack! #HotHarris
Sean Miller also makes his move with his 7th vote in 4 games to boost him to outright 2nd!
Show your support for your clubs players on twitter @VAFA_HQ or #vafadiv2 or #vafamedals
Harris, Paul Ivanhoe AFC 17
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 16
Amos, James Yarra Valley 14
Latsas, Nicholas St Mary’s-Salesian 13
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 13
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 11
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 10
Egglestone, Jarrod Therry Penola 10
Boundy, David Old Paradians 9
Jones, Sidney St Mary’s-Salesian 9
Mara, Liam St Johns 9
Leaderboard after 14 Rounds
3 Votes P Harris! Are we seeing another hot streak? The only mover in the top 5 that round!
Therry have another player move into the top 10 as Egglestone’s 3 votes against the Turtles catapults him to within 5 of the leaders!
What’s your tip? Let me know on twitter @VAFA_HQ or #vafadiv2 or #vafamedals
Amos, James Yarra Valley 14
Harris, Paul Ivanhoe AFC 14
Latsas, Nicholas St Mary’s-Salesian 13
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 13
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 13
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 10
Boundy, David Old Paradians 9
Egglestone, Jarrod Therry Penola 9
Jones, Sidney St Mary’s-Salesian 9
Mara, Liam St Johns 9
Bannister, Jarrod Therry Penola 8
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 8
Galvin, Bryan Eltham 8
Scott, Rohan St Johns 8
Baranello, Paul Emmaus St Leos 7
Dyker, Rhys St Johns 7
Galvin, John Eltham 7
Pollard, Ryan Yarra Valley 7
Leaderboard after 13 Rounds
All of a sudden there is plenty of movement at the top of the leader board! Amos takes the lead with 2 votes against the Turtles! Whilst the biggest mover of the round sees Ivanhoe’s Paul Harris jump to outright 5th and only 3 Votes behind the leader after a BOG at home to Old Paradians.
Amos, James Yarra Valley 14
Latsas, Nicholas St Mary’s-Salesian 13
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 13
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 13
Harris, Paul Ivanhoe AFC 11
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 10
Boundy, David Old Paradians 9
Jones, Sidney St Mary’s-Salesian 9
Mara, Liam St Johns 9
Bannister, Jarrod Therry Penola 8
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 8
Galvin, Bryan Eltham 8
Scott, Rohan St Johns 8
Leaderboard after 12 Rounds
Lyons’ Streak has come to an end! St Mary’s – Salesian’s, Latsas and Old Paradians Miller both jump to a tie of 3rd after both having 2 vote games.
Could a Yarra Valley snatch victory from Therry Penola twice in a week?
Show your support for your favourite players on twitter @VAFA_HQ or #vafadiv2 or #vafamedals
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 13
Amos, James Yarra Valley 12
Latsas, Nicholas St Mary’s-Salesian 11
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 11
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 10
Boundy, David Old Paradians 9
Mara, Liam St Johns 9
Bannister, Jarrod Therry Penola 8
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 8
Harris, Paul Ivanhoe AFC 8
Scott, Rohan St Johns 8
Leaderboard after 11 Rounds
3 Votes M Lyons! Lyons takes the lead with his 4th consecutive Best on Ground!
Show your support for your favourite players on twitter @VAFA_HQ or #vafadiv2 or #vafamedals or #LyonsStreak
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 13
Amos, James Yarra Valley 12
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 10
Boundy, David Old Paradians 9
Latsas, Nicholas St Mary’s-Salesian 9
Mara, Liam St Johns 9
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 9
Bannister, Jarrod Therry Penola 8
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 8
Scott, Rohan St Johns 8
Leaderboard after 10 Rounds
Therry Penola’s Lyons strides to 2nd spot after being best afield for the 3rd consecutive time against Emmaus St Leos !
Who’s your tip? Let me know via twitter @VAFA_HQ or #vafadiv2 or #vafamedals #LyonsStreak
Amos, James Yarra Valley 12
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 10
Boundy, David Old Paradians 9
Mara, Liam St Johns 9
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 9
Bannister, Jarrod Therry Penola 8
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 8
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 8
Leaderboard after 9 Rounds
Half way through and Yarra Valley’s James Amos is 3 clear of St John’s Liam Mara and 2013 VAFA B-D4 Representative David Boundy.
The stage has been set for an intriguing battle for the 2013 Division 2 VAFA Best & Fairest!
Amos, James Yarra Valley 12
Boundy, David Old Paradians 9
Mara, Liam St Johns 9
Bannister, Jarrod Therry Penola 8
Costello, Elliot South Melbourne Districts 8
Miller, Sean Old Paradians 8
Lyons, Matt Therry Penola 7
Jones, Sidney St Mary’s-Salesian 6
Latsas, Nicholas St Mary’s-Salesian 6
Mcwhinney, Matt Therry Penola 6
Baranello, Paul Emmaus St Leos 5
Crooks, Mathew Eltham 5
Egglestone, Jarrod Therry Penola 5
Green, Joshua St Johns 5
Hargrave, Michael Eltham 5
Harris, Paul Ivanhoe AFC 5
Mcdougall, Alexander Emmaus St Leos 5
Scott, Rohan St Johns 5
Thank you for joining us on this live blog of the Division 2 vote count for the Fullerton Medal. The Division 2 count will start just after 9.15pm.
Past winners
Year Name Team
2012 David West St Mary’s Salesian
2011 Jarrod Egglestone Therry Penola
2010 David West St Mary’s Salesian
2009 Stefan Barbour Peninsula OB
2008 Paul Baranello Emmaus St Leos
2007 James Robertson Bentleigh
2006 Daniel Den Braber Aquinas
2005 Shaun Payze Peninsula O.B.
2004 Allister Parton Old Carey
2003 H. McCarthy Old Geelong
2002 David Martin Bentleigh
2001 Adam J. Cannane West Brunswick
2000 A.N. Campbell Salesian O C
If you can, listen in to 96.5FM (or streaming live at www.innerfm.org.au) for Inner FM’s live and exclusive coverage of the medal counts of the seven senior sections tonight and tomorrow night from 8pm -10pm.
Get involved in the discussion via Twitter (@VAFA_HQ) and include the hashtag #vafadiv2 or #vafamedals in your tweet or on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/vafa.hq) and your comments may be posted in this blog.