With player transfers still coming in every day we are still no closer to understanding who exactly, or how many players from other leagues around the country will be moving to play VAFA football in season 2013.
However we can look back at the statistics from 2012 and it provides an interesting snap shot of where players move from to play football in the VAFA.
The tables above show that there were more than 2000 player transfers from other leagues in 2012, with the bulk of players (92%) coming from other leagues within Victoria.
The most interesting transfers were no doubt the two players that came to play VAFA football from the United States.
Close to 21% of senior players transferred to the VAFA from other Melbourne metropolitan leagues.
The largest source of players was from junior competitions that are not associated with the VAFA, with more than 46% of players joining the competition from elsewhere being previously registered with another league.
Importantly these numbers do not count new players to clubs that have never been registered to play in any other competition previously. The influx of school footballers that join our Under 19 teams is massive and for many of these players they have not been playing at another junior club.
All of these numbers show that playing VAFA football with your mates and playing for the love of the game is a very attractive option for many footballers.