VAFA President Bruno Conti has been elected as Chairman of the Australian Amateur Football Council for the next 12 months.
Mr Conti’s appointment follows the resignation of Nick Bourke who had to step down from the council when he recently signed to return to coaching at Old Xaverians for the 2013 season.
The VAFA’s second position on the Council will be taken by VAFA Vice President Michael Hazell who was elected to replace Mr Bourke.
Mr Conti said it is important that the AAFC is clear on its role and where it wants to be going forward.
“The Australian Amateur Football Council aspires to develop the best football representative program in Australia.
“The opportunity to play representative football is a rewarding part of playing football and the AAFC is keen to continue to provide for interstate matches between the member competitions”said Mr Conti.
The Australian Amateur Football Council is made up of four competitions; the SA Amateur Football League, Tassie North, Victorian Amateur Football Association, and the WA Amateur Football League.