The VAFAUA extends a warm welcome to all clubs to our annual Pre Finals Dinner.
Our dinner is the highlight of our year and an invitation to the clubs comes with an appreciation of the work that you do to support us and make our job easier on the weekends.
You are welcome to have as many members of your club attend as you like. Our guest speaker this year is Collingwood premiership player and AFLPA President, Luke Ball.
Cost of the evening is only $65 which includes a pre dinner drinks, a 3 course meal and entertainment. Drinks will be available for purchase throughout the night.
Details of the event are as follows; Monday 27 August MCC Members Dining Room Melbourne Cricket Ground. Pre Dinner drinks commence at 6.30pm. RSVP strictly by Friday 17 August.
All enquiries should be directed to Russell Davidson at [email protected] or 0409 948 268.
We look forward to welcoming you to our night of nights.
Download the poster for the night below.