Andrew Leonard
In our second story to highlight the upcoming Women’s Round we cast our eye to West Essendon and take note that St Bernard’s announced in March this year that in 2012 it would be "Women’s Year".
The club recently announced three joint no 1 ticket holders and they are all prominent women at the club.
Doriana Cooper is the club Secretary and number one problem solver and organizer at St Bernards. Doriana typifies the great contribution to the club that women have made over our 50 year history.
Deb Marinier is the Club 18 Team Manager and long time club event organizer. Deb is a tireless volunteer for the club. The Club 18 team had not won a game for two years, however in round one they got the job done. Sadly the team had forgotten the words to the club song so Deb lead them into the main change rooms and led them in a stirring rendition of the song. As the group read the words painted on the change room walls.
Veronica Moloney, is the Catering Manager at the club. Veronica runs our kiosk and also co-ordinates luncheons and catering for club events. Veronica is the pleasant and thoughtful face of the club, operating what is recognised as one of the best kiosk’s in the VAFA.
St Bernard’s is very grateful for the huge amount of support the ladies of the St Bernard’s community continue to give to the football club. We truly could not do it without you.
St Bernard’s are another leading example of how a little female influence at a club goes a long way. Enjoy the football this weekend girls!