Division 2 Fullerton Medal: Every player, every vote
PLAYER CLUB VOTES GAMES Calcedo, Dean Northern Blues 19 8 Harper, Timothy Melbourne High School Old Boys 19 8 Costanzo, Ricky Richmond Central 18 7 Lovell, Mitchell Ivanhoe AFC 17
PLAYER CLUB VOTES GAMES Calcedo, Dean Northern Blues 19 8 Harper, Timothy Melbourne High School Old Boys 19 8 Costanzo, Ricky Richmond Central 18 7 Lovell, Mitchell Ivanhoe AFC 17
PLAYER CLUB VOTES GAMES Baranello, Paul Emmaus St Leos 31 11 Gold, Sam Hawthorn 21 10 Muscat, Dylan West Brunswick 16 7 Baranello, Nathan Emmaus St Leos 15 8 Morrison-Storey,
PLAYER CLUB VOTES GAMES McLaren, Shane Parkside 30 11 Coyne, Nishan Westbourne Grammar 20 9 Liston, Cameron Box Hill North 16 6 Thorne, Adam Mt Lilydale OC 13 5 Bell,
PLAYER CLUB VOTES GAMES Walsh, Matthew Old Xaverians 16 6 Jeffrey, Kristan La Trobe University 13 6 Nolan, Todd Richmond Central 11 5 Marguccio, Anthony Hawthorn 10 4 Criticos, Nicholas
PLAYER CLUB VOTES GAMES Coyle, Beau Albert Park 21 8 Coker, Myles Albert Park 16 8 Spalding, Connor St Francis Xavier OC 11 5 Engelander, Mason Melbourne High School Old
The VAFA would like to congratulate seven award winners who were announced as the best and fairest players in their respective sections on 96.5 Inner FM earlier tonight. Rory Angiolella
The VAFA would like to congratulate the five winners who each came away with a medal from last night’s Division 1 – 4 league vote counts. Sidney Jones from St
Listen to AFL CEO and former University Blues captain, Gillon McLachlan, speak with Ken Petruco, John Kanis and the Inner FM commentary team at the half time break of last
PLAYER CLUB VOTES GAMES De Biase, Roland St Kevin’s Old Boys 21 8 Kennedy, Charlie Old Xaverians 14 6 Fuller, Thomas Old Melburnians 13 5 Gibbins, Sam Beaumaris 12 5